Street Map of Whitefield Town Centre

Detailed street map of Whitefield town centre, Greater Manchester, England, United Kingdom.


Whitefield Greater Manchester Town Centre Map

Street Map of Whitefield Town Centre: Detailed street map for Whitefield town centre in Greater Manchester. Large and clear map of Whitefield, Greater Manchester, England, UK.

Things you can see on this Whitefield street map:

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* To get a Google street view of Whitefield follow the "View on Google Maps" link, left click and hold the yellow "pegman", drag him to the Whitefield street you wish to view, in a few seconds you will get your Whitefield street view. In this view of Whitefield you can also see: Phillips High School, Stand Golf Course, Parish of All Saints Church (Stand), St Bernadettes RC Church, St Bernadettes Social Centre, St Bernadettes RC Primary School, Whitefield Library & Adult Learning Centre, Higher Lane Primary School, Whitefield Golf Club, Central Whitefield Bus Stop (Bury New Road), Morrisons, the Smile Centre (Dentist), All saints C of E Primary School, Elms Bank Specialist Arts College, and plenty more Whitefield churches, schools, businesses, services, bus stops, pubs, shops, medical facilities, sports centres, and amenities in Whitefield center and the Whitefield area.

Postcode For Whitefield Town Centre Greater Manchester: M45

More Greater Manchester Town Centre Maps: Worsley - Prestwich - Middleton - Pendlebury - Swinton

City Centre Maps: Manchester - Salford

Printable Maps of UK Towns and Villages.

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